Climategate tactics continue: Journal editor 'resigns' after publishing skeptic paper

As reported by the BBC, climate alarmists remind journal editors of the price of publishing papers by skeptics. Continue reading Climategate tactics continue: Journal editor 'resigns' after publishing skeptic paper

Breaking: Obama asks EPA to withdraw proposed ozone rule

President Barack Obama has asked EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the agency’s proposed toughened ozone standards, citing “the importance of reducing regulatory burdens and regulatory uncertainty, particularly as our economy continues to recover.” The President’s statement and EPA’s are below.

These are rules that would provide no health benefits but cost $1 trillion per year in compliance and kill 7.4 million jobs by 2020.

So this is a hugely important victory for American workers and the economy, as well as those of us who have been fighting the EPA’s proposed ozone standards.

In a separate statement, EPA administrator Lisa Jackson says the agency will “revisit” the ozone standard. But that won’t occur until at least 2013 — when, with any luck, she will be able to revisit it from an unemployment line. Continue reading Breaking: Obama asks EPA to withdraw proposed ozone rule

9-11 firefighters at greater cancer risk?

Nope. Despite news reports about this new study in The Lancet, there was no statistically significant association between cancer incidence and (hyper-studied) World Trade Center firefighters. Ten years after the 9-11 horror, it is time to move on from the 9-11 junk science.

Lancet editors miss bogus reference on Japanese longevity and salt intake

Is it too much to ask of medical journal editors to verify references for key claims? After all, just because a study author footnotes a claim, should that act automatically enshrine the claim with credibility? Continue reading Lancet editors miss bogus reference on Japanese longevity and salt intake

Flame retardants reduce infant birthweight?

UC-Berkeley’s anti-flame retardant crusader Brenda Eskenazi is back at it with a new study claiming to link maternal exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) with reduced infant birth weight. Continue reading Flame retardants reduce infant birthweight?