Al Gore-d: Greens give climate 'reality' show two thumbs down

“Former Vice President Al Gore 24 hour climate ‘reality’ show is surprisingly facing strongly negative reviews from Gore’s fellow global warming activists and environmental allies. Get the full run-down at

Michelle Obama cheers as Red Lobster, Olive Garden require parent approval for French fries

Even if it were true that French fries made kids fat, obesity is a more dignified existence than being nannied into a Michelle Obama-approved diet and a government-approved BMI. Click for the AP story.

EPA teams with activist group in novel move to ban atrazine?

The EPA has taken the unusual (unprecedented?) step of seeking in a Federal Register notice public comment on a petition from Save the Frogs to ban the herbicide atrazine. Continue reading EPA teams with activist group in novel move to ban atrazine?

EPA lectures Luminant on how to manage a power plant in tough economic times

Apparently tipped off to Luminant’s lawsuit filed Sep. 11 against EPA concerning the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, the EPA sent this obnoxious and condescending letter informing Luminant that shutting down mines is not the way to go in tough economic times. Continue reading EPA lectures Luminant on how to manage a power plant in tough economic times