Doug Dockery lies about his secret science

In the wake of Tuesday’s EPA secret science announcement, the ever-hopeful Steve Milloy gave 30-minute (at least) interview to New Yorker writer Carolyn Kormann, challenging her to go to Harvard’s Dog Dockery (no slight to biological canines intended) and Brigham Young’s Clive Arden Pope, III to get actually responses to my charges of fraud against … Continue reading Doug Dockery lies about his secret science

William ‘Carnival’ Barker attacks Milloy Wall Street Journal op-ed on secret science

My March 27 Wall Street Journal op-ed “The EPA Cleans Up Its Science” was attacked in a letter-to-the-editor by University of Rochester emeritus professor William H. Barker. I report you decide — and don’t let the title of this article do it for you.

JunkScience petitions White House for epidemiology standards

As long as I’ve been involved in federal regulatory issues (since 1990), regulators have used junk epidemiology to justify overregulation. For the first time ever, we have an administration that is committed to stopping overregulation. So petitioned the Trump administration today to stop the misuse and abuse of epidemiology by issuing epidemiologic standards for … Continue reading JunkScience petitions White House for epidemiology standards

New England Journal of Medicine editor chooses lying over science

New England Journal of Medicine editor Jeffrey Drazen has chosen an ominous course for his journal. ended the career of ex-Journal of the American Medical Association editor George Lundberg for dabbling in politicized junk science. We could use another scalp.