Despite extant lawsuit, corrupt Biden EPA CASAC recommends tightening PM2.5 standard

Despite that Young v. EPA is pending, the corrupt Biden EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee is recommending that EPA tighten the PM2.5 NAAQS. Read the E&E News report.

Crony-stacked CASAC set to rubberstamp EPA PM2.5 science fraud

EPA released draft letters for CASAC to rubberstamp at meetings upcoming later this month and in early March. Here are the draft CASAC letters on PM2.5 science and policy. The only short-term hope for derailing this railroad of fraud is Young v. EPA, for which we are awaiting a decision at anytime.

PM2.5 reaching new depths of fraud: Cleaner air is deadlier air?

Breathing any air is just too dangerous. So stop it. The EPA and auto/truck industry rentseeker-funded Health Effects Institute has a new study claiming that cleaner air increases the risk of death — see highlighted text below. Just shockingly dishonest and stupid. As always, all you need to know about the PM2.5 hoax is contained … Continue reading PM2.5 reaching new depths of fraud: Cleaner air is deadlier air?

New air quality data from China don’t support EPA claim that PM2.5 kills

China seems to have made substantial progress in cutting PM2.5 levels in Beijing. Has this made a difference in Beijing mortality rates? EPA PM2.5 ‘science’ says it should. We report. You decide.

Enstrom files misconduct complaint against Harvard PM2.5 researchers

The claim that PM2.5 kills people is utter fraud. That fraud being used to wreck the US economy via EPA air quality and climate regulations. The intrepid Dr. James Enstrom gives the Communist China-funded Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health another chance to get on the right side of science, reality and America.

EPA PM2.5 Railroad Update: CASAC PM subpanel advises tougher standards

The EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel voted last week to advise the EPA administrator to tighten the PM2.5 standards. The final advisory decision is now elevated to the main CASAC panel — most of the members of which are also on the subpanel. So the vote is basically predetermined. The only thing that can stop this … Continue reading EPA PM2.5 Railroad Update: CASAC PM subpanel advises tougher standards

Milloy to EPA CASAC PM Subpanel: EPA’s assessment of PM2.5 is science fraud

Below is my testimony at today’s public meeting of EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel concerning EPA’s updated assessment of PM2.5 science. Not surprisingly, the EPA air pollution mafia declined my challenge to point out where I was wrong… because I’m not. Former UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom also provided great comments. They are here. EPA’s CASAC PM … Continue reading Milloy to EPA CASAC PM Subpanel: EPA’s assessment of PM2.5 is science fraud

Milloy lectures National Academy of Sciences panel on biological plausibility of PM2.5 killing people

Here is my oral testimony to the NAS panel on Assessing Causality from a Multidisciplinary Evidence Base for National Ambient Air Quality Standards, a panel chock full of EPA PM2.5 research grantees including the infamous Francesca Dominici, Armistead G. Russell (EPA grantee crony, $23,319,799 in grants), Charles Driscoll (EPA grantee crony, $7,437,921 in grants) and … Continue reading Milloy lectures National Academy of Sciences panel on biological plausibility of PM2.5 killing people