Red Alert: EPA begins process to undo Trump PM2.5 air quality standards decision

EPA has announced that out will review the PM2.5 NAAQS that the Trump EPA decided to leave unchanged from the Obama EPA setting at 12 micrograms/m3. This marks the start of the Biden EPA’s bid to go back to the fraudulent use of PM2.5 as its most potent regulatory weapon and portends all sport of … Continue reading Red Alert: EPA begins process to undo Trump PM2.5 air quality standards decision

Steve Milloy Webinar on PM2.5 Science Fraud Today at 2pm ET

I am giving a webinar titled, “PM2.5: The Most Demonstrable Science Fraud of Our Time” at 2pm ET today. The sponsor is a Dutch organization called “De Groene Rekenkamer” [The Green Accounting Office], a group of about 1,000 journalists, scientists and engineers. The link to join is here.

New York City/New Jersey subway PM2.5 levels 77 times greater than EPA standards; No bodies found

A new study reports on PM2.5 (soot/dust) levels in subway stations. The New York City and New Jersey PATH system had a mean level of 779 micrograms per cubic meter — 65 times higher than the EPA’s outdoor air standard of 12 micrograms per cubic meter. The highest level measured (1,499 micrograms per cubic meter) … Continue reading New York City/New Jersey subway PM2.5 levels 77 times greater than EPA standards; No bodies found

HUGE WINNING… EPA will not tighten PM2.5 air quality standards and friends — including Steve Milloy, Jim Enstrom, Stan Young, John Dunn and others — have worked for more than 20 years to achieve this result. A Biden administration will undoubtedly try to overturn this decision. So we will have to continue fighting the PM2.5 fraudsters. Meantime, this is a BIG win. More info: … Continue reading HUGE WINNING… EPA will not tighten PM2.5 air quality standards

Biden EPA to regulate farm and construction dust PM2.5 readers will remember that the Obama-Biden EPA was considering regulating farm dust PM2.5 — recall PM2.5 is soot and dust. Only farmer blowback ahead of the 2012 election stopped the Obama-Biden EPA. A new study (falsely) attributes one-half of (imaginary) PM2.5 deaths to agriculture and construction dust. Rest assured a Biden administration would impose … Continue reading Biden EPA to regulate farm and construction dust PM2.5

Boom: Harvard PM2.5-COVID-19 study destroyed by study on smoking and COVID-19

The recent Harvard Howler study claiming to link PM2.5 in outdoor air with increased risk of death from COVID-19 was always obvious junk science. And that reality is now underscored by this new study showing an inverse relationship between smoking and death from COVID-19.

California to imitate Harvard Howler: Air regulator CARB to fraudulently link PM2.5 to COVID-19

One fraud begets another. Air quality harms no one’s health and certainly has no effect on COVID-19. But America’s communists are going all out to defeat President Trump, including the bogus effort to connect PM2.5 and deaths from COVID-19.