WINNING: EPA won’t tighten the PM2.5 standard

A big win for all who have worked on this. We’re not done yet. But a big win nonetheless. You can read the wailings of the PM2.5 fraudsters in the New York Times coverage (Web | PDF). Incredible that the fraudsters launched their PM2.5-coronavirus study as a last minute “Hail Mary.” Also note the fake … Continue reading WINNING: EPA won’t tighten the PM2.5 standard

TOTAL VICTORY: EPA science advisers trash EPA staff assessment of PM2.5 ‘science’

EPA’s science advisory panel for air quality, the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), has now officially trashed all the scary claims the agency has been making for the past 25 years about PM2.5 in outdoor air. The letter was transmitted to Administrator Andrew Wheeler yesterday. The future significance is that the PM2.5 air quality … Continue reading TOTAL VICTORY: EPA science advisers trash EPA staff assessment of PM2.5 ‘science’

More real-world evidence that PM2.5 in outdoor doesn’t kill

A new study in JAMA reports that among people who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years, the risk of cardiovascular disease returns to that of a nonsmoker for 10-15 years after quitting. Here’s what this means for PM2.5 in outdoor air.

Grant-grubbing Berkeley prof, CARB creep John Balmes raves about killer PM2.5 in NYTimes op-ed

Interestingly, Balmes’ current EPA air quality grant — worth $4.76 million — runs out in June 2019. With any luck, EPA will not renew.

WINNING: EPA science advisory panel trashes draft EPA PM2.5 assessment as non-scientific, incomplete

The days of EPA science advisers rubber-stamping EPA staff’s regurgitation of the EPA-paid advisors own junk science have come to an end. Read the draft letter. For historical background on the PM2.5 saga and PM2.5 science reality, read “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA.”

Obama EPA science advisor trying to stop Trump EPA science adviser from reviewing PM2.5 science

Obama EPA CASAC Chair Chris Frey is trying to stop Trump EPA CASAC Chair Tony Cox from asking questions about PM2.5 of EPA staff and the Health Effects Institute. Here are the questions Cox asked EPA staff. Here is Frey’s complaint. Below is an excerpt from today’s E&E News report on Frey’s bid to keep … Continue reading Obama EPA science advisor trying to stop Trump EPA science adviser from reviewing PM2.5 science