WINNING: EPA science advisers reject EPA staff particulate matter claims

Here is the draft letter from the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee concerning the EPA staff’s most recent junk science-based assessment of the health effects of air borne particulate matter. A majority of the CASAC rejected the EPA staff’s claims that PM is scientifically associated with premature mortality and other health effects. In other … Continue reading WINNING: EPA science advisers reject EPA staff particulate matter claims

Hypocrite of the Day: CARB Chief Mary Nichols

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has sued the Trump administration over the proposed freezing of the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards. suggests the Trump administration respond to CARB chief Mary Nichols the way she responded to Congress in 1997.

Anti-glider truck fraud expands: JAMA allows Harvard’s Dominici to publish bogus activist death estimate as empirical fact

The criminal conspiracy to destroy the glider truck industry is expanding. I guess the Journal of the American Medical Association wants to be part of it.

Popular Science chimes with lies about the EPA secret science ban

With the aid of the University of Washington’s Joel D. Kaufman (an EPA-funded human experimenter),Popular Science attempts a hatchet job on the Trump EPA’s plan to ban secret science. Here are my in-line comments.