Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly

For 60 minutes Saturday night, those living in the shallows of our culture will kill their lights during Earth Hour to increase awareness of climate change. Some will feel self-righteous. Nothing will be achieved. Continue reading Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly

Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Global warming took a back seat in Al Gore’s sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera. Continue reading Gore: TV journalism more important than investors, global warming in sale of Current TV

Keystone XL Hypocrisy: Opponent Tom Friedman rails about home energy use despite living in mega-mansion

Friedman writes in his Sunday NYTimes column: Continue reading Keystone XL Hypocrisy: Opponent Tom Friedman rails about home energy use despite living in mega-mansion

Al Gore Sued Over Current TV Sale to Al Jazeera

A $5 million lawsuit claims Gore was “adamant” about not selling his network to oil-rich Qataris but had a “change of heart,” then stiffed the man who came up with the idea for the deal. Continue reading Al Gore Sued Over Current TV Sale to Al Jazeera

Liberal Charity: ex-TraderJoe’s exec leads effort to give expired food to poor

What happens when liberals run out of other-people’s-money to give away. Continue reading Liberal Charity: ex-TraderJoe’s exec leads effort to give expired food to poor

Prager: Progressive Green Movement Has Morphed Into A Death Cult

“The answer is people who are more devoted to nature than to human life. And who might such people be? They are called environmentalists.” Continue reading Prager: Progressive Green Movement Has Morphed Into A Death Cult