Banning junk science from Capitol Hill

By Steve Milloy and Willie Soon
May 1, 2012 Washington Times

Federal courts have a system to keep junk science out of courtrooms. It’s time Congress adopts one, too. Continue reading Banning junk science from Capitol Hill

Eschenbach: The EPA’s Mercurial Madness

In the process of writing my piece about Lisa Jackson and the EPA, I got to reading about the EPA passing new mercury regulations. Their regulations are supposed to save the lives of some 11,000 people per year. So I figured I should learn something about mercury. It turned out to be quite surprising … here was my first surprise: Continue reading Eschenbach: The EPA’s Mercurial Madness

Actress Capshaw: Inhofe effort to undo EPA mercury rule 'immoral and unsafe'

Vacuum-packed Jessica Capshaw doesn’t realize that ambient mercury in California air (which is not dangerous in the first place) comes from Mother Nature and China. Continue reading Actress Capshaw: Inhofe effort to undo EPA mercury rule 'immoral and unsafe'

Live Hearing: Senate EPW Committee on EPA mercury rule

“Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety hearing entitled, ‘Oversight: Review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) for Power Plants’.” Continue reading Live Hearing: Senate EPW Committee on EPA mercury rule

NYTimes: Clear up fluoridation confusion

“Critics no longer contend that fluoridation is a Communist plot. Instead, they express concerns about the costs involved, improper government control over a personal decision, and potential health dangers.” Continue reading NYTimes: Clear up fluoridation confusion