Enviros try pinning body counts on House GOP-ers

Is Michelle Bachmann risking the lives of 22,750 Americans and the health of 118,111 asthmatic kids in Florida in return for $131,730 in contributions from “polluters”? Continue reading Enviros try pinning body counts on House GOP-ers

EPA lectures Luminant on how to manage a power plant in tough economic times

Apparently tipped off to Luminant’s lawsuit filed Sep. 11 against EPA concerning the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, the EPA sent this obnoxious and condescending letter informing Luminant that shutting down mines is not the way to go in tough economic times. Continue reading EPA lectures Luminant on how to manage a power plant in tough economic times

Perry blames EPA For 500 jobs losses; Other candidates say… ?

Gov. Rick Perry issued the following statement regarding Luminant’s announcement that 500 jobs will be lost due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR): Continue reading Perry blames EPA For 500 jobs losses; Other candidates say… ?

EPA-American Lung Association: Axis of Junk Science

JunkScience.com broke the story that the EPA has paid the American Lung Association $20 million over the past 10 years and, in turn, the ALA has agitated on behalf of the agency. Now, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the public can get a glimpse into their chummy, symbiotic relationship. Continue reading EPA-American Lung Association: Axis of Junk Science

House GOP improves hearing performance; Still too much wiggle room for EPA's McCarthy

Below are some notable moments from today’s House hearing on EPA regulatory overreach, featuring EPA air chief Gina McCarthy: Continue reading House GOP improves hearing performance; Still too much wiggle room for EPA's McCarthy