Another shocking disclosure about the illegal EPA human testing experiments readers have previously learned that EPA has been subjecting human study subjects (without obtaining informed consent) to exceedingly high short-term exposures to diesel exhaust (2-hours at roughly 30x typical ambient PM2.5 exposures). You’ve also learned that these experiments have been conducted with exceedingly high short-term ozone exposures (i.e., 400 ppb, when the EPA 8-hour standard is 75 ppb). But we haven’t so far seen… Continue reading Another shocking disclosure about the illegal EPA human testing experiments

Confused: Calif. regulators claim diesel rules reduce global warming — even though their own study says opposite

From “ARB claims diesel engine controls reducing climate change impact in California”: Continue reading Confused: Calif. regulators claim diesel rules reduce global warming — even though their own study says opposite

Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

National outrage over the federal government’s abuse of power has seemingly hit critical mass over the past month as news about the Internal Revenue Service engaging in political targeting, government spying on AP reporters, the pending government prosecution of a Fox News reporter, and the revelation that the National Security Agency has likely been collecting data on every one of us has dominated the news.

Ignored in all the conversation about abuses is perhaps one of the most heinous of them all. Continue reading Heinous scandal goes ignored by media: EPA’s unethical human testing

Witnesses Say EPA’s Forthcoming Ozone Standards Impossible to Meet

“Witnesses agreed that if EPA tightens the current ozone standard, many parts of the country will be unable to meet the new limit due to naturally-occurring or uncontrollable ozone.” Continue reading Witnesses Say EPA’s Forthcoming Ozone Standards Impossible to Meet

Air Scare Debunked: Still no deaths reported from Chinese air pollution

The enviros claim 1,000 deaths per day. Show us a body!!–more–>

From the U.S. China Institute:

ON AN AVERAGE DAY IN CHINA outdoor air pollution causes the premature death of roughly 1,000 people. This is the conservative estimate of World Bank researchers utilizing surveys collected by Chinese government agencies and scholars. A number of news organizations reported that an internal World Bank report put the number who die prematurely each year at 350,000 to 400,000. The World Bank’s preliminary report states that air pollution costs the average Chinese urbanite 18 years of life. In 1997, the World Bank estimated 50,000 Chinese died prematurely each year due to air pollution.

But there are still no reports of deaths from air pollution in China since Steve Milloy wrote this op-ed in January.

Read “Show Us the Bodies, EPA.

Ozone: EPA to propose most expensive regulation ever later this year

“If the standard is reduced to 60 parts-per-billion, as some of the EPA’s advisory committees have proposed, even “pristine locations” like Yellowstone National Park might not meet it.” Continue reading Ozone: EPA to propose most expensive regulation ever later this year

DC ambulance with gunshot victim had to pull over because EPA-required emissions system failed

“The diesel engines at issue are designed to cut power if exhaust filters are not kept clean.” Continue reading DC ambulance with gunshot victim had to pull over because EPA-required emissions system failed