Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business

A University of Michigan researcher defends colleague Robert Brook against allegations of illegal human testing by attacking Steve Milloy. Continue reading Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business

House Science Chair in WSJ: The EPA’s Game of Secret Science

“The agency pursues rules that will cost billions but refuses to reveal its research. Maybe a subpoena will be needed.” Continue reading House Science Chair in WSJ: The EPA’s Game of Secret Science

State of Michigan to investigate UMich doc for conducting illegal human experiments for EPA

Will Michigan cover-up illegal research conduct like North Carolina did? Continue reading State of Michigan to investigate UMich doc for conducting illegal human experiments for EPA

CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing

CFACT has filed a complaint with the state of Michigan’s Health Professions Division alleging that the University of Michigan’s Dr. Robert D. Brook has conducted illegal human experiments on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Continue reading CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing

China Restricts Car Sales Due To Air Pollution Troubles, But Expert Says It ‘Still Won’t Solve The Problem’

Medical Daily reports: Continue reading China Restricts Car Sales Due To Air Pollution Troubles, But Expert Says It ‘Still Won’t Solve The Problem’