Hayward: Plot thickens for Gleick

“A comment here about Gleick’s tender concern for ‘transparency’… Heartland received substantial contributions from one anonymous donor. It happens that the Environmental Defense Fund in a recent report thanks 141 anonymous donors for their support.” Continue reading Hayward: Plot thickens for Gleick

Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants

We can understand why plaintiffs’ lawyers and allied advocates for the organic food industry would seek to demonize what they see as a deep-pocket defendant and a competitor. But why would Madison County judges ignore overwhelming science and favor the plaintiffs when so many of the county’s tax-paying residents earn their livelihoods in conventional agriculture? Continue reading Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants

Cap-and-trade an issue in Democratic Congressional Primary

“Obama’s bill contained too many scientific and technical flaws as well as ‘business nonsense'” for Democrat Bill Foster to support it.” Continue reading Cap-and-trade an issue in Democratic Congressional Primary

English: Utah E-Cigarette Ban Based On Junk Science

“‘With tobacco cigarettes a user generally knows how much nicotine is being consumed. … When it comes to an electronic cigarette, you just don’t know …’ This is also entirely false.” Continue reading English: Utah E-Cigarette Ban Based On Junk Science