“Without journalists to uncover stories and speak to authoritative sources, the public loses,” says an editor. But science is not received wisdom. Virtually all science reporters have yet to figure that out. Who-says-what isn’t important. What’s important is how they know what they claim. Continue reading No Loss: Science reporters becoming an endangered species — But almost all are dodos, anyway
Month: October 2013
Damage Control: IPCC considering whether to have U.S. taxpayers pay to have friendly sociologists ‘study’ and glorify its process
Naomi Oreskes to review the IPCC? Hah! Would gladly pay to see Donna Laframboise do it, though. Continue reading Damage Control: IPCC considering whether to have U.S. taxpayers pay to have friendly sociologists ‘study’ and glorify its process
Carbon-sheviks: EU wants local/regional soviets to enforce CO2 emissions limits
Princeton Physicist: ‘To have honorary degrees showered on Al Gore when he doesn’t even get the hurricane direction right on the cover of his book, what sort of movement is this?’
The Daily Princetonian reports on physicist Will Happer’s presentation at last week’s physics department colloquium: Continue reading Princeton Physicist: ‘To have honorary degrees showered on Al Gore when he doesn’t even get the hurricane direction right on the cover of his book, what sort of movement is this?’
McWarmism: USA Today says it doesn’t matter that IPCC has been wrong so far — in 50 years it might be right, or maybe not
Angola warming blamed on ozone ‘hole’ (i.e., use of air conditioning, refrigeration) — no science, just proximity/politics
Deutschland über warmism: Germany dodges tougher EU car emission limits
Study: Warmers temps, higher CO2 boosting tree growth — positive impact on timber-based economies
No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes
Hypocrite Virgin Airways owner Richard Branson raves on his blog: Continue reading No Virgin Hypocrite: Richard Branson says ‘deniers need to be called out, debated and rallied against’ –Meanwhile Branson exists UK to avoid taxes
Michigan medical board refuses to investigate doc who admits to unsafe EPA human experiments
Apparently it does not violate the Michigan Public Health Code to conduct illegal and dangerous human experiments on behalf of the EPA. Continue reading Michigan medical board refuses to investigate doc who admits to unsafe EPA human experiments