Gross: Politico claims Ted Cruz ‘blasted’ by (nameless) GOP colleagues — Senator sources asked not to be named

Politico reports: Continue reading Gross: Politico claims Ted Cruz ‘blasted’ by (nameless) GOP colleagues — Senator sources asked not to be named

Crazy: IPCC author says we either starting cutting carbon or we’ll have to blot out the sun with untested, impractical geoengineering

Scientific American reports: Continue reading Crazy: IPCC author says we either starting cutting carbon or we’ll have to blot out the sun with untested, impractical geoengineering

TransCanada says no Keystone XL permit in 2013 — Obama for ‘all of the above’ except fossil fuels

Reuters reports: Continue reading TransCanada says no Keystone XL permit in 2013 — Obama for ‘all of the above’ except fossil fuels

Virgina Congressman blasts Terry McAuliffe for backing EPA coal rules

Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem, issued this statement this morning criticizing Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s support for new EPA regulations on coal-fired power plants: Continue reading Virgina Congressman blasts Terry McAuliffe for backing EPA coal rules

Over-the-top EPA union rep: ‘No one is inspecting wetlands…landfills… employees are absolutely devastated.’

The Guardian reports: Continue reading Over-the-top EPA union rep: ‘No one is inspecting wetlands…landfills… employees are absolutely devastated.’

EPA to keep working on life-threatening Superfund sites during shutdown — But no death ever tied to ‘toxic’ waste site

The National Law Review reports: Continue reading EPA to keep working on life-threatening Superfund sites during shutdown — But no death ever tied to ‘toxic’ waste site