WaPo hits climate study whiplash — First, warming caused Sandy, new study says warming to prevent future Sandy

The WaPo reports: Continue reading WaPo hits climate study whiplash — First, warming caused Sandy, new study says warming to prevent future Sandy

Population-wide salt reduction makes no sense, according to latest worldwide clinical trial

… and the effect of salt reduction in the salt-sensitive isn’t really anything to write home about. Continue reading Population-wide salt reduction makes no sense, according to latest worldwide clinical trial

Media Matters still trying to silence CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen — submit petitioned signed by 42,000 who don’t watch CNBC

Censorship is the American Left’s answer to political debate. Continue reading Media Matters still trying to silence CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen — submit petitioned signed by 42,000 who don’t watch CNBC

EPA Inspector General: EPA failed to develop required program to teach scientific integrity

Will this be EPA’s defense? No one told us how to have integrity? Continue reading EPA Inspector General: EPA failed to develop required program to teach scientific integrity

US ‘loans’ Pakistan $95 million for wind farm — but Wash DC to get $30 million less from feds in 2014

The Business Standard reports: Continue reading US ‘loans’ Pakistan $95 million for wind farm — but Wash DC to get $30 million less from feds in 2014

Seed donor of Gore climate lobby group: Not contributing or ‘following it very much’ anymore — ‘We were all very naive’

Buzzfeed reports: Continue reading Seed donor of Gore climate lobby group: Not contributing or ‘following it very much’ anymore — ‘We were all very naive’