Cleveland Plain-Dealer: ‘Climate denial must end’ — NO, warmism must end (and the 95% probability claim is 100% nonsense)

The Plain-Dealer does get one thing right in its editorial: Continue reading Cleveland Plain-Dealer: ‘Climate denial must end’ — NO, warmism must end (and the 95% probability claim is 100% nonsense)

State Dept. puts off Keystone XL decision until 2014, citing phony conflict-of-interest investigation

As predicted, the Obama administration is colluding with enviros to fabricate reasons for not approving the pipeline. Continue reading State Dept. puts off Keystone XL decision until 2014, citing phony conflict-of-interest investigation

EPA stonewalls records request re EPA-funded diesel exhaust tests on children has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with EPA for all records pertaining to EPA-funded research involving the exposure of CHILDREN to DIESEL EXHAUST, which occurred at the University of Southern California in the mid-2000s. Continue reading EPA stonewalls records request re EPA-funded diesel exhaust tests on children