While NIH dabbles in malaria vaccine development, 600,000 deaths (mostly children) this year — They need insecticides not research fantasies

Michael Gerson writes about the latest malaria vaccine research in the WaPo: Continue reading While NIH dabbles in malaria vaccine development, 600,000 deaths (mostly children) this year — They need insecticides not research fantasies

NYTimes Claim: ‘Clear by now that we are in the early stages of what is likely to be a substantial rise in sea level’

Clear to whom based on what? Continue reading NYTimes Claim: ‘Clear by now that we are in the early stages of what is likely to be a substantial rise in sea level’

Obama campaign awards skeptic GOP congressman unicorn trophy for ‘fantasy’ climate views

We were going to give Organizing for Action a trophy, but didn’t have time to get to the cow pasture. Continue reading Obama campaign awards skeptic GOP congressman unicorn trophy for ‘fantasy’ climate views