Roy Spencer’s Senate testimony

Roy Spencer was inspiring at today’s Senate hearing on global warming, especially during the Q&A, at one point turning the tables on Sen. Whitehouse (see today’s JunKScience Twitter coverage below). Here is Roy’s written testimony. Continue reading Roy Spencer’s Senate testimony

Anti-Keystone Kops Slapstick: Pipeline could raise gasoline prices 40 cents

Their newfound concern for the cost of burning fossil fuels is touching. Their economic analysis is hilarious. Continue reading Anti-Keystone Kops Slapstick: Pipeline could raise gasoline prices 40 cents

Barbara Boxer’s new look: A glammed up Rosa Klebb

Barbara Boxer sported a new look at today’s global warming hearing. didn’t think too much of it until the Los Angeles Times ran a photo… then it hit me: Continue reading Barbara Boxer’s new look: A glammed up Rosa Klebb

Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats

Skeptics and Roger Pielke Jr (whatever he is) totally dismantled warmism (scientifically, economically, rhetorically) at today’s Senate hearing — embarrassing Democrats who couldn’t run away fast enough. For best coverage, below are links to the JunkScience tweets: Continue reading Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats