Warmists cheer misuse of Montreal Protocol

HFCs don’t thin the ozone layer, but they are greenhouse gases. The Montreal protocol is about ozone depletion — can it really be used for global warming as well? Like EPA’s abuse of the Clean Air Act for greenhouse gases, the Montreal Protocol is being similarly expanded. Continue reading Warmists cheer misuse of Montreal Protocol

Delingpole: Yeo — another scalp for Guido Fawkes

“Probably, if this were a World War II fighter base, the shooting down in flames of Tim Yeo MP would count as a shared kill. After all, we’ve each of us had a good burst at him – Christopher Booker, Richard North, David Rose, Bishop Hill and – the coup de grace! – the Sunday Times team responsible for that sting at the weekend.” Continue reading Delingpole: Yeo — another scalp for Guido Fawkes

Tim Yeo stands aside amid probe into committee coaching claim

“Mr Yeo, chairman of the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee, was secretly filmed by Sunday Times investigators posing as representatives of a fictional energy company seeking to hire his services.” Continue reading Tim Yeo stands aside amid probe into committee coaching claim

Junk Science Week at the FP: Unsignificant Statistics

“A statistically significant departure from an assumed-to-be-true null hypothesis is by itself no proof of anything. Likewise, failure to achieve statistical significance at the .05 or other stipulated level is not proof that nothing of importance has been discovered.” Continue reading Junk Science Week at the FP: Unsignificant Statistics