Joe Bastardi responds to dead-ender Michael Mann on climate-tornado link

In response to dead-ender Michael Mann, meteorologist Joe Bastardi offers a pic worth a thousands words — and a few words of his own… Continue reading Joe Bastardi responds to dead-ender Michael Mann on climate-tornado link

Dead-ender Michael Mann: ‘Too early to rule out a link between climate change and powerful twisters’

The other warmist rats have deserted the climate-tornado ship… including the IPCC. Continue reading Dead-ender Michael Mann: ‘Too early to rule out a link between climate change and powerful twisters’

New York Magazine: The Climate-Change Wars Begin This Summer

“The legal challenge [for EPA regulation of power plant emissions] won’t take place for two years, but the two sides are preparing for war already. The field of battle will be the Federal Appeals Court in Washington, D.C.” Continue reading New York Magazine: The Climate-Change Wars Begin This Summer

Harvard nanny Walter Willett is spitting mad about overweight-causes-death scare being debunked

“More and more studies show that being overweight does not always shorten life — but some public-health researchers would rather not talk about them.” Continue reading Harvard nanny Walter Willett is spitting mad about overweight-causes-death scare being debunked

Delingpole: Climate change caused the Oklahoma tornado? Crikey, these people are getting desperate!

” For Senator Boxer to try to exploit this misery and tragedy in order to foist on the American people yet another tax they don’t want and don’t need is politics of the lowest and most dishonest kind.” Continue reading Delingpole: Climate change caused the Oklahoma tornado? Crikey, these people are getting desperate!

Claim: Upper atmosphere winds changing — global warming to blame

The study authors claim that the alleged phenomenon could slow recovery from the non-crisis of ozone depletion. Continue reading Claim: Upper atmosphere winds changing — global warming to blame

Sustainable Hypocrisy: Sierra Club announces rewards credit card — FLASHBACK: ‘Green Your Shopping Trip — Buy Less’

The Sierra Club just announced a Sierra Club Visa Platinum… Continue reading Sustainable Hypocrisy: Sierra Club announces rewards credit card — FLASHBACK: ‘Green Your Shopping Trip — Buy Less’