International Carbon Lunacy in Dire Straits: Australian carbon tax cut scrapped as carbon tax fails; European carbon trading ‘chaos’ blamed

We owe the Euros and Aussies a debt of gratitude for proving that carbon trading and taxing is lunacy. Continue reading International Carbon Lunacy in Dire Straits: Australian carbon tax cut scrapped as carbon tax fails; European carbon trading ‘chaos’ blamed

Evangelical Warmist Katharine Hayhoe: ‘I get probably 10 times more hate mail from Christians than I get from atheists’

Does Hayhoe know that her fellow warmists scorn her religious views behind her back? Continue reading Evangelical Warmist Katharine Hayhoe: ‘I get probably 10 times more hate mail from Christians than I get from atheists’

Warmist Katharine Hayhoe: Americans not Christian because ‘we are hogging the world’s resources’

From her interview with the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: Continue reading Warmist Katharine Hayhoe: Americans not Christian because ‘we are hogging the world’s resources’

Warmist Katharine Hayhoe: Skeptics are misogynists who threaten physical violence to ‘intimidate, silence and belittle’

Newt Gingrich’s chapter-author-not-to-be gives an interview to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Continue reading Warmist Katharine Hayhoe: Skeptics are misogynists who threaten physical violence to ‘intimidate, silence and belittle’

Michael Mann — A Very Voluntary Public Figure: CNN Interview – April 22, 1998 has exposed Michael Mann’s creepy effort to recast himself as an “involuntary public figure” for purposes of his defamation lawsuit against Mark Steyn, National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Continue reading Michael Mann — A Very Voluntary Public Figure: CNN Interview – April 22, 1998

Zimbabwe Real Climate Problem: No money for climate bureaucracy

“Inadequate funding and limited resources are frustrating Zimbabwe’s efforts to develop plans to deal with the impact of climate change, says a government progress report.” Continue reading Zimbabwe Real Climate Problem: No money for climate bureaucracy

Eminent Domain Scaremongering: Keystone XL opponents claim TransCanada tells Nebraska landowners property will be taken ‘without significant compensation’

The Fifth Amendment guarantees “just compensation.” Continue reading Eminent Domain Scaremongering: Keystone XL opponents claim TransCanada tells Nebraska landowners property will be taken ‘without significant compensation’

Clinton mocks Bloomberg’s climate, disaster fears

Bill Clinton asked Bloomberg what were his climate change-related nightmare scenarios for New York City. After Bloomberg responded with a litany of natural and manmade disasters, Clinton said: Continue reading Clinton mocks Bloomberg’s climate, disaster fears