Enivros agitate for plastic bag tax in London claiming ‘devastating cost to wildlife’ — RealityDrop: No evidence bags threaten marine mammals, birds

“Giving away polluting plastic bags must stop. At once.” Continue reading Enivros agitate for plastic bag tax in London claiming ‘devastating cost to wildlife’ — RealityDrop: No evidence bags threaten marine mammals, birds

Pew: Global clean energy investment down 11% in 2012 as subsidies evaporate; Down 31% in the US

Enviros claim gains if investment is measured on a 3-year basis. Continue reading Pew: Global clean energy investment down 11% in 2012 as subsidies evaporate; Down 31% in the US

Anti-Keystone activists to sponsor BBQ featuring ‘tar sands-free beef’ — Irony: Livestock produce 9% of global emissions, Keystone 0.2%

“But the Obama administration has indicated the Keystone theatrics don’t matter.” Continue reading Anti-Keystone activists to sponsor BBQ featuring ‘tar sands-free beef’ — Irony: Livestock produce 9% of global emissions, Keystone 0.2%

Report: Australian carbon offset business dying; Large emitters no longer interested

“A carbon offset company says business interest halted at least a year ago because of uncertainty over the Coalition’s plans, and now Europe’s price fall is more bad news.” Continue reading Report: Australian carbon offset business dying; Large emitters no longer interested

Climate propaganda works: UNICEF survey says 75% of UK schoolchildren ‘deeply concerned’ about global warming

Remember when UNICEF was about feeding hungry kids? Now it’s about feeding kids BS. Continue reading Climate propaganda works: UNICEF survey says 75% of UK schoolchildren ‘deeply concerned’ about global warming

Al Gore Goes Biblical in Ireland: Climate change is causing devastation like that depicted in ‘Revelations’

“We cannot continue sleep walking towards the edge of history’s cliff,” he added. Continue reading Al Gore Goes Biblical in Ireland: Climate change is causing devastation like that depicted in ‘Revelations’

20 Years Ago: 4-17-93 — Greenpeace chairman says “Oil isn’t necessary because the energy for this planet comes from the sun”

What’s incredible is that the group could actually raise $150 million in 1993 — an amount that has more than doubled 20 years later — with sentiments like that. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-17-93 — Greenpeace chairman says “Oil isn’t necessary because the energy for this planet comes from the sun”

Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’

Who knew Hansen had an anti-government streak? Continue reading Hansen slams Boxer-Sanders carbon tax bill: ‘As usual they cannot keep their hands off our wallets, proposing to make government 40% bigger’

Hansen debunks Al Gore’s Venus scenario for warming: ‘Only plausible on billion-year time scale’

The latest from warmist James Hansen. Continue reading Hansen debunks Al Gore’s Venus scenario for warming: ‘Only plausible on billion-year time scale’

Unions Split on Keystone XL: Laborers ‘repulsed’ by unions siding with enviro ‘job killers’ out to ‘destroy the lives of working men and women’

“The Keystone issue has caused a Big Labor schism between those who favor the pipeline and those who want to make common cause with environmentalists.”

Read more in the Washington Examiner.