Six Reasons Organic is NOT the Most Environmentally Friendly Way To Farm

“While ‘only natural’ is appealing as a marketing message, it is not the best guide for how to farm with minimal environmental impact.” Continue reading Six Reasons Organic is NOT the Most Environmentally Friendly Way To Farm

UK Enviros: Carbon tax on imported goods would spur global climate deal

“Countries with strong carbon regulations might have to start taxing imported goods from nations with weaker ones in order to persuade them to sign up to a global deal, argues a report by the watchdog Committee on Climate Change.” Continue reading UK Enviros: Carbon tax on imported goods would spur global climate deal

UK Enviros: ‘Dash for gas destroying the confidence of investors in wind, solar’

They also claim, “relying on gas would scupper the UK’s chances of meeting emissions targets.” Continue reading UK Enviros: ‘Dash for gas destroying the confidence of investors in wind, solar’

20 Years Ago: 4-24-93 — EPA makes air conditioning repair more costly: Refrigerants can’t be vented during repair

Did it make a difference in the “ozone hole”? See for yourself. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-24-93 — EPA makes air conditioning repair more costly: Refrigerants can’t be vented during repair

Obama War on Coal: EPA’s effluent guidelines put pressure on power plants

“The new guidelines come at a time when the industry is already adapting to EPA’s new Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) and other new federal and state rules.” Continue reading Obama War on Coal: EPA’s effluent guidelines put pressure on power plants