National Journal: Can Climate-Change Denier Ken Cuccinelli Win a Swing State?

I wonder why the NatJour headline wasn’t something like, “Can Global Crossing-pirate and Attempted-2004-Election-Fixer Terry McAuliffe Win a Swing State?” Continue reading National Journal: Can Climate-Change Denier Ken Cuccinelli Win a Swing State?

Aussie Commission: ‘Climate on Steroids’

“While it was difficult to predict whether next summer would see more records broken, he said over the next two decades there would be some “really frightening” temperatures in store for the country. Continue reading Aussie Commission: ‘Climate on Steroids’

Military-Warmist Complex: Defense experts say costs of climate change could be staggering

“Even as the country faces severe budget cuts and a slow economic growth, the letter called on public and private sectors to collectively invest in “internationally-backed solutions” to address climate change in the most vulnerable countries.” Continue reading Military-Warmist Complex: Defense experts say costs of climate change could be staggering

Mystery black-box method used to make ‘all new’ Australian ‘hottest’ ever records

“This summer the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) invented a whole new metric to measure average national heat, which might be all very well except no-one (other than the BOM) seems to know what it is.” Continue reading Mystery black-box method used to make ‘all new’ Australian ‘hottest’ ever records

MTBE: ExxonMobil to begin defense in NH pollution trial

“Lawyers for ExxonMobil claim MTBE did exactly what it was supposed to — replace lead in gasoline and cut smog in compliance with the 1990 Clean Air Act.” Continue reading MTBE: ExxonMobil to begin defense in NH pollution trial

Railroads emerge as alternative to Keystone XL pipeline for moving oil sands from Canada

“Even if foes of the Keystone XL pipeline block it, companies seeking to get Canada’s oil sands to U.S. and world markets could travel the old-fashioned way: by rail.” Continue reading Railroads emerge as alternative to Keystone XL pipeline for moving oil sands from Canada