Climate change skeptics say ‘sick’ science distorts facts

“They’re a very sick group,” [Willie] Soon said. “They’re not talking about science at all. It is all agenda-driven, science results.” Continue reading Climate change skeptics say ‘sick’ science distorts facts

Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative OK

“A presidential ethics panel has opened the door to testing an anthrax vaccine on children as young as infants, bringing an angry response from critics who say the children would be guinea pigs in a study that would never help them and might harm them.” Continue reading Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative OK

The Guardian on UK air pollution: ‘Why are we only now waking up to this public health crisis?’

Because it’s not any sort of real crisis? Continue reading The Guardian on UK air pollution: ‘Why are we only now waking up to this public health crisis?’

Statistical Malpractice Claim: Soda kills 180,000 globally

But not a single study credibly links soda consumption with diabetes, heart disease or cancer … all are multifactorial diseases, the precise causes of which rarely can be medically determined due to lack of data, biological understanding and/or resources. Because of these shortcomings, Continue reading Statistical Malpractice Claim: Soda kills 180,000 globally

Secondhand Smoke Goes Big Brother: Dartmouth researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor

“The researchers expect to soon convert the prototype, which is smaller and lighter than a cellphone, into a wearable, affordable and reusable device that helps to enforce no smoking regulations and sheds light on the pervasiveness of secondhand smoke. The sensor can also detect thirdhand smoke, or nicotine off-gassing from clothing, furniture, car seats and other material.” Continue reading Secondhand Smoke Goes Big Brother: Dartmouth researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor

Could a NC Law Put EPA Doctor-Researchers in Jail?

“Will a state be willing to act against the Environmental Protection Agency’s practice of exposing humans to diesel exhaust emissions, when medical authorities and the courts have refused to intervene?” Continue reading Could a NC Law Put EPA Doctor-Researchers in Jail?

NOAA claims recent paleo evidence confirms global warming in instrument record

NOAA describes this new evidence as “independent, objective” — even though it was developed by NOAA researchers and touted by Tom Karl. Continue reading NOAA claims recent paleo evidence confirms global warming in instrument record

Activists Ratchet Up ‘Food Addiction’ Campaign

The use of inflammatory words such as “toxic,” “poison,” “manipulation,” “addictive,” and “inherently dangerous” signal the trial lawyers and state attorneys general are coming for the food industry. Continue reading Activists Ratchet Up ‘Food Addiction’ Campaign