Where’s the global warming mate? Cold weather puts Britain on brink of running out of gas

Isn’t spring supposed to be coming earlier these days? Continue reading Where’s the global warming mate? Cold weather puts Britain on brink of running out of gas

Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly

For 60 minutes Saturday night, those living in the shallows of our culture will kill their lights during Earth Hour to increase awareness of climate change. Some will feel self-righteous. Nothing will be achieved. Continue reading Earth Hour: Vain Symbolism, Environmentally Unfriendly

Claim: Road traffic pollution as serious as passive smoke in the development of childhood asthma

So… not at all? Continue reading Claim: Road traffic pollution as serious as passive smoke in the development of childhood asthma

Video: Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics-Guy says Earth’s surface temp may reach 180-degrees F by 2300 without emissions curbs

But the Earth only re-radiates so much radiation for CO2 to absorb and there’s already a surfeit of CO2 in the atmosphere. Continue reading Video: Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics-Guy says Earth’s surface temp may reach 180-degrees F by 2300 without emissions curbs

Bill Gates wants you to give up meat because of global warming and ‘brutal’ farms where animals ‘suffer needlessly’

Bill Gates = Thomas Malthus + Igrid Newkirk. Continue reading Bill Gates wants you to give up meat because of global warming and ‘brutal’ farms where animals ‘suffer needlessly’

Claim: Eating too much salt led to 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010

Since there’s not a single study that shows consumption of salt is dangerous to healthy people, these epidummyologists have attempted to concoct a meta-analysis to prove their pre-determined point. They get a “Fail” because 0n=0. Continue reading Claim: Eating too much salt led to 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010

WaPo: ‘Yes, conservatives can be environmentalists. Here’s how.’

Poor Jonathan Adler, formerly of the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute and now a law professor at Case Western University, has forgotten whatever it was he learned while at CEI and has now embraced free market-flavored central planning. Continue reading WaPo: ‘Yes, conservatives can be environmentalists. Here’s how.’

Climategaters still trying to silence skeptics — now from talking about Climategate!

Lawyers for the University of East Anglia are trying to intimidate skeptics about publishing Climategate 3.0 e-mails. Continue reading Climategaters still trying to silence skeptics — now from talking about Climategate!

Must-Watch Video: NBC-17 reports on human testing personal injury claim against EPA

NBC-17 investigative reporter Charlotte Huffman nails this report on the EPA human testing scandal. Continue reading Must-Watch Video: NBC-17 reports on human testing personal injury claim against EPA