Claim: Road traffic pollution as serious as passive smoke in the development of childhood asthma

So… not at all? Continue reading Claim: Road traffic pollution as serious as passive smoke in the development of childhood asthma

Video: Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics-Guy says Earth’s surface temp may reach 180-degrees F by 2300 without emissions curbs

But the Earth only re-radiates so much radiation for CO2 to absorb and there’s already a surfeit of CO2 in the atmosphere. Continue reading Video: Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics-Guy says Earth’s surface temp may reach 180-degrees F by 2300 without emissions curbs

Bill Gates wants you to give up meat because of global warming and ‘brutal’ farms where animals ‘suffer needlessly’

Bill Gates = Thomas Malthus + Igrid Newkirk. Continue reading Bill Gates wants you to give up meat because of global warming and ‘brutal’ farms where animals ‘suffer needlessly’

Claim: Eating too much salt led to 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010

Since there’s not a single study that shows consumption of salt is dangerous to healthy people, these epidummyologists have attempted to concoct a meta-analysis to prove their pre-determined point. They get a “Fail” because 0n=0. Continue reading Claim: Eating too much salt led to 2.3 million heart-related deaths worldwide in 2010

WaPo: ‘Yes, conservatives can be environmentalists. Here’s how.’

Poor Jonathan Adler, formerly of the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute and now a law professor at Case Western University, has forgotten whatever it was he learned while at CEI and has now embraced free market-flavored central planning. Continue reading WaPo: ‘Yes, conservatives can be environmentalists. Here’s how.’

Climategaters still trying to silence skeptics — now from talking about Climategate!

Lawyers for the University of East Anglia are trying to intimidate skeptics about publishing Climategate 3.0 e-mails. Continue reading Climategaters still trying to silence skeptics — now from talking about Climategate!

Must-Watch Video: NBC-17 reports on human testing personal injury claim against EPA

NBC-17 investigative reporter Charlotte Huffman nails this report on the EPA human testing scandal. Continue reading Must-Watch Video: NBC-17 reports on human testing personal injury claim against EPA

Michael Mann-child Whine: Criticizing me proves I’m right, so there!

Upset that critics have commented on a Yale Alumni Magazine puff piece, the ever-petulant Mann-child wheets (whine + tweet): Continue reading Michael Mann-child Whine: Criticizing me proves I’m right, so there!

Enviro frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development

Reminds me of the infamous enviro sentiment concerning the use of DDT to control malaria in Africa: The poor are “better off dead than riotously reproducing.” Continue reading Enviro frets in Nature mag: ‘Poverty alleviation could undermine’ sustainable development