Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator, Body-Builder, and Global Leader on Climate-Change

“Sitting back in a walnut-paneled holding room while he waited to receive his U.N. award, Schwarzenegger propped an alligator-skin shoe up on the coffee table and held forth on the stakes of the California climate law.” Continue reading Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator, Body-Builder, and Global Leader on Climate-Change

Greens confront own need for diversity; Flashback — Green Groups for Whites Only

“The Republican Party isn’t the only political force that has a diversity problem…” Continue reading Greens confront own need for diversity; Flashback — Green Groups for Whites Only

Australia: Greens sacrifice the environment for votes

“If you strip away the ex-socialist workers’ party policy threads that infiltrated the Greens platform and look at what they want for the natural environment, it can make appealing reading.” Continue reading Australia: Greens sacrifice the environment for votes

Spooner: Sceptics weather the storm to put their case on climate

“To the great credit of The Age and its pluralistic tradition, the occasional sceptical science article has been published along with regular cartoons on the issue.” Continue reading Spooner: Sceptics weather the storm to put their case on climate