LA Times Cartoonist: Blind faith of climate change deniers endangers us all

“This week’s Newsweek magazine features a couple of essays — one about Jesus and one about climate change — that demonstrate the difference between simple faith in the unknowable and blind faith that denies scientific fact.” [Los Angeles Times]

Al Gore Asks Hollywood for More Climate Change Storylines

“Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter about 75 guests including Lawrence Bender, Leonard Nimoy and Lynn Lear gathered to hear Gore’s impassioned plea for the entertainment industry to renew its focus on climate change.” [Hollywood Reporter]

Melting polar ice could release old viruses

“In 1999, Russian scientists famously dug a long-dead frozen woolly mammoth out of the Siberian permafrost. Other things lurking in the frozen earth may be more alive — and more dangerous. Scientists warn that global warming could release ancient bacteria, viruses and fungi from frozen lakes, glaciers and permafrost. If this happens, humans could become exposed to viruses and diseases they have not encountered in thousands of years.” [Mother Nature Network via The Miami Herald]

Asthma inhaler bill fails — in House!

The bill to put back on store shelves Primatene Mist failed in the House yesterday by a vote of 229-182. Big Pharma apparently convinced enough Republicans that asthma inhalers ought to be less accessible and more expensive.

New Intimidation Effort Launched Against Skeptics: The 'Checks and Balances Project'

Although little corporate money goes to skeptics (especially as compared to the corporate money that goes to alarmists), the green-run Checks and Balances Projects apparently aims to resurrect that myth with two goals in mind: (1) continue to intimidate corporations from funding skeptics and (2) intimidate the media from running skeptic commentary. The Checks and Balances Project is ironically named since the Constitution’s system of checks-and-balances is the system the Founding Fathers devised to limit the growth of government. The Checks and Balances Project, in contrast, intends to silence skeptics so that government power can expand through climate-energy policy. [Checks and Balances Project]