Driessen: EPA anti-energy regulations killing jobs

“More and more, daily decisions are made less by responsible citizens than by nanny-state government, especially powerful, unelected, unaccountable executive branch agencies in Washington. Among the worst is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).” [Washington Times]

Climate scientist Michael Mann sues over comparison to child molester

Controversial climate scientist Michael Mann, who helped raise global warming’s profile by representing temperatures as a rapidly escalating “hockey stick,” has filed a defamation lawsuit against skeptics at the National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Mann said statements by the two organizations that compared him to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky were offensive and defamatory, and called them the latest in a series of attacks he and other climate scientists have faced.[FOXNews.com]

EPA's Dirty, Dark Secret

October 23, 2012, Investor’s Business Daily | Print Version

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been sued in federal court for conducting illegal experiments on human beings. A federal judge will now determine whether the EPA has violated federal law and the most sacrosanct moral standards of scientific research or whether the EPA has been lying to Congress and the public about the dangers of air pollution. Continue reading EPA's Dirty, Dark Secret

Flashback: Head of EPA Bars Nazi Data In Study on Gas

“The chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, alerted by a letter of protest from agency scientists, has barred from an E.P.A. report on a toxic gas any data that the Nazis acquired in experiments on concentration camp prisoners.” [New York Times, March 23, 1988]

House Committee requests investigation into illegal EPA human testing

“In a letter sent yesterday to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG), Investigations and Oversight Chairman Paul Broun (R-GA) requested that the Inspector General (IG) review EPA’s human research studies involving concentrated airborne particles.” [House Media Release | Letter to EPA IG]

EPA’s illegal human experiments: Agency failed to warn tests potentially lethal

By Steve Milloy
October 18, 2012, Washington Times

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been sued in federal court for allegedly conducting illegal experiments on human beings. The case tests whether a government agency can violate the law and the most sacrosanct ethics of scientific research — and get away scot-free. Continue reading EPA’s illegal human experiments: Agency failed to warn tests potentially lethal

Is Duke's Green Dean Okay with Duke Prof's Involvement in Illegal EPA Human Testing?

Duke University’s dean of green says particulate matter kills — so why does he give a pass to a Duke physician exposing elderly asthmatics to high concentrations of such pollutants? Continue reading Is Duke's Green Dean Okay with Duke Prof's Involvement in Illegal EPA Human Testing?