It’s not a health risk. Continue reading Commuters continue to breathe diesel exhaust at Chicago’s Union Station
Month: February 2012
Bald Eagle Population Soars In South Dakota
Too bad knowledge about DDT doesn’t soar, too. Continue reading Bald Eagle Population Soars In South Dakota
Jenkins: Revisiting the Auto Bailout With Clint
“Detroit is hostage to the administration’s green energy schemes—a perfect vehicle for granting favors and extorting tribute,” writes Holman Jenkins. Continue reading Jenkins: Revisiting the Auto Bailout With Clint
WSJ: Europe’s Carbon Trade War
Beijing tells Brussels what it can do with its airline emissions tax. Continue reading WSJ: Europe’s Carbon Trade War
Report: Oil and Gas Boom Lifts U.S. Economy
…despite Obama’s war against fossil fuels. Continue reading Report: Oil and Gas Boom Lifts U.S. Economy
Clough: Weather forecasts as political ads
“Soros-funded group demands meteorologists bow before global-warming altar.” Continue reading Clough: Weather forecasts as political ads
Nugent: The Great Keystone XL Pipeline Massacre
The move was dead giveaway of Obama’s left-wing agenda, says the Motor City Madman (with music video bonus!). Continue reading Nugent: The Great Keystone XL Pipeline Massacre
Now they tell us: EPA admits not addressing local grid reliability problems in mercury rule
“EPA did not address localized reliability challenges…” Continue reading Now they tell us: EPA admits not addressing local grid reliability problems in mercury rule
GOP to spar with EPA over mercury rules
“Republicans will take aim Wednesday at new national standards to limit mercury and other toxic air pollution from power plants.” Continue reading GOP to spar with EPA over mercury rules
Fox Tests Volt, Runs Out Of Juice In Lincoln Tunnel
“GM noted that Fox has issues with the Volt. They give Eric Bolling a Chevy Volt for a week. And this is what GM receives in return. Ingrates.” Continue reading Fox Tests Volt, Runs Out Of Juice In Lincoln Tunnel
Former EPA staffer novel-izes about the ‘cruel realities of environmental racism’
Check the media release for this new novel by a former EPA staffer. Continue reading Former EPA staffer novel-izes about the ‘cruel realities of environmental racism’
Soda causes asthma, COPD?
Have a Choke and a smile? Continue reading Soda causes asthma, COPD?