Cap-and-trade an issue in Democratic Congressional Primary

“Obama’s bill contained too many scientific and technical flaws as well as ‘business nonsense'” for Democrat Bill Foster to support it.” Continue reading Cap-and-trade an issue in Democratic Congressional Primary

English: Utah E-Cigarette Ban Based On Junk Science

“‘With tobacco cigarettes a user generally knows how much nicotine is being consumed. … When it comes to an electronic cigarette, you just don’t know …’ This is also entirely false.” Continue reading English: Utah E-Cigarette Ban Based On Junk Science

IBD: Oil Execs Say Obama Lead Us To ‘Energy Abyss’

“Industry leaders gathered in Houston say rising fuel output comes in spite of, not because of, the president’s policies and the pain at the pump will soon be excruciating.” Continue reading IBD: Oil Execs Say Obama Lead Us To ‘Energy Abyss’