Drilling could jump-start N.Y. economy

“Regardless of your position in the debate over using hydraulic fracturing to develop shale gas resources, here’s something we can all agree on: New York state needs an economic jump-start. Local businesses that have supported communities for years are now struggling to survive.” Continue reading Drilling could jump-start N.Y. economy

Newt & Nancy’s Loveseat: Brought to You by George Soros

“Unlike Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney never sat next to Nancy Pelosi in an ad funded by George Soros on behalf of Al Gore’s global warming initiative.” Continue reading Newt & Nancy’s Loveseat: Brought to You by George Soros

New One: Alarmists liken sports concussion controversy to climate denial

“With climate, as with hockey, people seem to be waiting for the definitive A-leads-to-B line to be drawn for them.” Continue reading New One: Alarmists liken sports concussion controversy to climate denial