Quote of the Day: Issa on enviro agenda

At today’s House Oversight & Reform Committee Hearing entitled, “Running on Empty: How the Obama Administration’s Green Energy Gamble Will Impact Small Business & Consumers”, Chairman Darrell Issa offhandedly described the agenda of the Natural Resources Defense Council as… Continue reading Quote of the Day: Issa on enviro agenda

WSJ: Government vs. EPA

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s political agenda hasn’t gotten any less reckless, but the news is that the rest of the government is beginning to notice—including a majority of the states and even other regulators… Between the Governors and AGs, some 27 states are merely asking the EPA to delay the final [“Clean Air Mercury Rule” or “Utility MACT”) until the risks can be properly quantified…” (Wall Street Journal)

WSJ: Red Flags for Green Energy

“… $15 million went to train workers in skills such as solar-panel installation, but 62% of that program’s alumni remain jobless, according to the [California] Employment Development Department… Nationwide, jobs related to energy efficiency rose to 2.7 million people last year, up 27% from 2003, compared with overall job growth of 33%, according to the Brookings Institution.” (Wall Street Journal)

IBD: Labor Dept. Program Spends $121,000 Per Green Job

“The Department of Labor has spent $162 million on its own green jobs program, which has found steady work for just 1,336 people as of June. That’s just 2% of what the program targeted.” (Investors Business Daily)

Why your morning cereal tastes like frosted cardboard

Consumer products companies are allowing social activists and junk science to destroy the appeal and efficacy of a variety of consumer products. Continue reading Why your morning cereal tastes like frosted cardboard