GOP tricked in budget deal: Climate aid hidden in Defense budget

Climate war veterans will remember that President Obama promised at the 2009 Copenhagen climate conference to contribute to a $100 billion fund for third-world kleptocracies. Soon after, though, Secretary Clinton backed away from the promise because of budget concerns. Continue reading GOP tricked in budget deal: Climate aid hidden in Defense budget

EPA to resurrect cap-and-trade through its ozone standard?

Exelon’s John Rowe, the “Carbon Bandit” may be back for another cap-and-trade raid on taxpayer and ratepayer wallets courtesy of the EPA’s imminent ozone standard. Continue reading EPA to resurrect cap-and-trade through its ozone standard?

NYTimes: Polar bear-gate a 'minor sideshow'

When the New York Times first opined on Climategate (December 6, 2009), the paper called it “noise.” On Saturday, the paper had this to say about Polar bear-gate in an editorial entitled “A Polarizing Polar Bear Investigation“: Continue reading NYTimes: Polar bear-gate a 'minor sideshow'

Shocking: No Obama analysis of anti-coal rules on electricity reliability; Public misled by EPA

The EPA has misled the public by promising but failing to consult with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on the impact of the coming slew of EPA utility rules (i.e., EPA Train Wreck) on electricity reliability. Continue reading Shocking: No Obama analysis of anti-coal rules on electricity reliability; Public misled by EPA

Latest EV scam: Solar-power Ford Focus

The good news for Ford Focus buyers is that they’ll soon be able to save a lot of money on gas with a rooftop solar power option. The bad news is that the $18,000 option will more than double the price of the $16,500 car — although taxpayers will pick up $10,000 of that cost. Read Wall Street Journal coverage.

No where else to go: Climate alarmism finally moving to fiction section

“Novelists from Margaret Atwood to David Mitchell are hoping to bring the dangers posed by climate change to life, through a new collection of short stories tackling the climate crisis,” reports The Guardian.