Claim: BP oil spill did $17.2 billion in damage to natural resources, scientists find

Ridiculous. The real number is much closer to, if not zero. Reminds me of the first environmental project I ever worked on.

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JunkScience forces federal toxics chief into nonsensical defense of EPA’s illegal human experiments

A revealing e-mail exchange involving Linda Birnbaum, the director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program.

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EPA’s Human Experiments Hypocrisy with Chlorpyrifos

Yes, I’m old enough to remember when Clinton EPA chief Carol Browner condemned human experiments that were being used to support the continued sale of the insecticide chlorpyrifos.

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NAS President to JunkScience: Drop dead

And here’s’s response to National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt’s next-day denial of JunkScience’s request for an investigation into the EPA-corrupted NAS review of EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Continue reading NAS President to JunkScience: Drop dead