Inhofe Asks for Hearing on EPA's Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments

MEDIA RELEASE October 1, 2012 Contact: Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797 Katie Brown (202) 224-2160 Inhofe Asks for Hearing on EPA’s Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments Link to Letter Washington, D.C. – In the wake of the Obama – Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) being sued in federal court for allegedly conducting illegal human … Continue reading Inhofe Asks for Hearing on EPA's Alleged Conducting of Illegal Human Experiments

Request for Investigation of EPA’s Human Experiments

Based on EPA’s response to the original FOIA request, Milloy requested on May 14, 2012 that the EPA Inspector General investigate the researchers for violations of the Common Rule and EPA Order 1000.17. Click for the entire letter (with attachments), which contains and analysis of the regulations and facts known as of May 14, 2012. … Continue reading Request for Investigation of EPA’s Human Experiments

Top Federal Scientist Expects EPA Stonewalling, Lying About Human Experiments

New e-mails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act indicate a top federal scientist expects EPA to be less than candid and to stonewall about its illegal human experiments.

Video: Milloy exposes EPA's outlaw human experiments at Locke Foundation

Steve Milloy talked about the EPA’s outlaw human experiments on July 16 at the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh, NC. The talk includes brand new information about the EPA’s illegal conduct.

North Carolina Medical Board to investigate EPA physicians over human experiments

Pursuant to requests from and Dr. John Dale Dunn MD JD, the North Carolina Medical Board has agreed to investigate EPA’s illegal human experimentation.

North Carolina Medical Board asked to investigate EPA physicians for illegal human experiments

Three North Carolina-licensed physicians participated in the EPA’s illegal human experiments. We’ve asked the North Carolina Medical Board to investigate this breach of the Hippocratic oath and state medical standards.

EPA denies Milloy charge of conducting unethical human experiments; Facts show otherwise

Wayne Cascio, director of EPA’s Environmental Public Health Division, responds to Steve Milloy’s Washington Times commentary accusing EPA of conducting unethical human experiments or, in the alternative, exaggerating the dangers of airborne fine particulate matter.

EPA human experiments debunk notion of 'killer' air pollution: Agency hides exculpatory results

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has conducted air pollution experiments on live human subjects that discredit its claims that fine particulate matter kills people. obtained the explosive and heretofore undisclosed results through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and reveal them here for the first time.

Exposed: The Truth Behind EPA’s Evil Experiments on Human Guinea Pigs

Imagine if a government agency had been conducting experiments on human guinea pigs using poisons it knew to be fatal at even the most minuscule levels. It would be an international scandal, right? At least as bad as all those servicemen exposed to radiation during the atom bomb tests of the 1950s; and quite possibly … Continue reading Exposed: The Truth Behind EPA’s Evil Experiments on Human Guinea Pigs

EPA administrator has no knowledge of inhumane experiments?

Imagine that the Administrator of the US EPA would testify that she doesn’t know that the US EPA is funding and promoting unethical human exposure to small particulate air pollution experiments at 10 US Medical Schools?