NYTimes critic on DDT doc: Ongoing genocide isn’t news

On the bright side, New York Times film critic Neil Genzlinger reviewed the new DDT-malaria documentary “3 Billion and Counting” on the morning of the film’s premier in New York City. On the less bright side, Genzlinger was decidedly less than impressed by the film’s message: As for the argument, it’s not exactly new: advocates … Continue reading NYTimes critic on DDT doc: Ongoing genocide isn’t news

Protest Green Genocide: Get a DDT T-Shirt

The UN wants to rollback the use of DDT. But DDT is a “weapon of mass survival” — a weapon against green genocide. Get a DDT T-shirt and tell the world! Get your DDT Tee at the JunkScience.com store while supplies last… Check out this photo of Ugandan health officials surrounded by public health workers.

Greens re-boot African genocide: WHO reverses on DDT

From today’s Wall Street Journal: In 2006, after 25 years and 50 million preventable deaths, the World Health Organization reversed course and endorsed widespread use of the insecticide DDT to combat malaria. So much for that. Earlier this month, the U.N. agency quietly reverted to promoting less effective methods for attacking the disease. The result … Continue reading Greens re-boot African genocide: WHO reverses on DDT

Day of Reckoning for DDT Foes?

By Steven Milloy September 21, 2006, FoxNews.com Last week’s announcement that the World Health Organization lifted its nearly 30-year ban on the insecticide DDT is perhaps the most promising development in global public health since… well, 1943 when DDT was first used to combat insect-borne diseases like typhus and malaria.

Bald Eagle-DDT Myth Still Flying High

By Steven Milloy July 6, 2006, FoxNews.com Pennsylvania officials just announced success with their program to re-establish the state’s bald eagle population. But it’s a shame that such welcome news is being tainted by oft-repeated myths about the great bird’s near extinction.