Mass murderer, nitwit defend EPA

Former Republican EPA administrators William Ruckelshaus and Christine Todd Whitman authored the op-ed below that appeared in today’s Washington Post. Ruckelshaus’ unjustified ban of DDT in 1972 has led to the deaths of tens of millions of Africans. Whitman is an airhead — at the time she was appointed as EPA administrator, she actually didn’t … Continue reading Mass murderer, nitwit defend EPA

Africa’s killer dares to criticize

Check out this galling interview of William Ruckelshaus, the EPA administrator who banned DDT. While Ruckelshaus is correct in criticizing Members of Congress for essentially being willfully uninformed on environmental issues, his criticism is astonishingly arrogant given his own willful (and genocidal) ignorance of facts. During 1971-1972, the EPA held seven months of hearings and … Continue reading Africa’s killer dares to criticize

Aaron Hillis: Inhuman Idiot Film Critic?

What does a connoisseur of erotic gay cinema think of a documentary that’s trying to save children’s lives? First-time film producer Dr. Rutledge Taylor’s new epic/call-to-action on DDT and malaria, “3 Billion and Counting,” opens Friday at the Quad Cinema in New York City. Sadly, Left-wing media is already on the attack in its typical … Continue reading Aaron Hillis: Inhuman Idiot Film Critic?

Egregious Polluting Agency

By Steve Milloy July 3, 2010, Washington Times Ronald Reagan’s 10 most dangerous words were, “Hi, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” The Gulf oil spill is only the latest validation of that sentiment when it comes to environmental protection. Just last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that the government computer … Continue reading Egregious Polluting Agency

A dead child every 30 sec vs. ????????

WHO wouldn’t want to save this child? For right now, we’ll just leave that as a question. The WHO summary document concerning its program to rollback the use of DDT states that, Malaria is one of the greatest public health challenges facing the developing world. World Health Organization (WHO) data indicate that malaria causes over … Continue reading A dead child every 30 sec vs. ????????

Bedbugs are back — greens to blame

Bedbugs are back — thanks to anti-pesticide green policies. The Associated Press reported today that, Faced with rising numbers of complaints to city information lines and increasingly frustrated landlords, hotel chains and housing authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency hosted its first-ever bedbug summit Tuesday. And why is this happening? One of the problems, according to … Continue reading Bedbugs are back — greens to blame

Nature centers = Ideological child abuse?

In her article “Nature centers helping grow next generation of scientists,” Mary Spiro writes, When I was a kid, I loved visiting my local nature center, which at the time happened to be the Clearwater Nature Center in Clinton, Md. I think the hours I spent examining the bones, pelts, stones, leaves, shells and … Continue reading Nature centers = Ideological child abuse?

Asbestos Fireproofing Might Have Prevented World Trade Center Collapse

By Steven Milloy January 18, 2007, In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, I suggested in this column on Sept. 14, 2001 that many lives could have been saved if asbestos fireproofing been used in the World Trade Center.