NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. As it turns out, the “victim” had a pre-existing pulmonary condition but nevertheless stood at the bus exhaust pipe for 5 minutes or so.

Asthma inhaler bill fails — in House!

The bill to put back on store shelves Primatene Mist failed in the House yesterday by a vote of 229-182. Big Pharma apparently convinced enough Republicans that asthma inhalers ought to be less accessible and more expensive.

Update: Ozone, Asthma Hospitalizations (Still) Not Linked in Los Angeles 2009-2012 (1st Quarter)

Summary Average and maximum ground-level ozone measurements were not correlated with emergency admissions for asthma at a large Los Angeles hospital from 2009 through the first quarter of 2012.