Trojan horse nanoparticle halts asthma: New technology also can be used to turn off peanut and other food allergies

As most of them turn out to be hype, I don’t usually highlight medical research claims. But this is interesting. We’ll see how the trials turn out.

Claim: Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk

Nonsense. Where was all the asthma 50 years ago? The media release is below. ### Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk EUROPEAN LUNG FOUNDATION Babies born to mothers exposed to air pollution from traffic sources during pregnancy have an increased risk of developing asthma before the age of 5 years, according to … Continue reading Claim: Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk

EPA exposes exercising asthmatics to 9 times more diesel particulate than deemed safe — No adverse health effects reported

The latest episode in the continuing saga of EPA’s illegal human experiments.

Study: Ozone not linked with asthma hospitalizations in major California hospital system

No association between air quality (PM2.5, ozone) and hospital admissions for asthma in University of California-Davis Health System during 2010-2012 (19,000+ cases).