Obama climate czar accused of law-breaking

House Republicans Darrell Issa and James Sensenbrenner are calling for an investigation of whether Obama climate czar Carol Browner’s secrecy in developing Obama’s CAFE standards and EPA’s CO2 endangerment finding was a “deliberate and willful violation” of the Presidential Records Act. According to the letter, … Mary Nichols, the head of the California Air Resources … Continue reading Obama climate czar accused of law-breaking

California already looking at CAFE 2016+

In the immediate wake of President Obama’s announcement of more stringent mileage standards by 2016, California air czar Mary Nichols told Reuters yesterday that, “California will be immediately getting to work on what the standards should be for beyond 2016,” and that she expects, “a much more stringent standard.” Now that California voters have forced … Continue reading California already looking at CAFE 2016+

California blows climate cost-benefit analysis

To support the enactment of California’s global warming bill, Mary Nichols, the state’s top air regulator, embraced as “good-news-numbers” a cost-benefits analysis that predicted the law would create 100,000 jobs and increase per-capita income by $200 by 2020. The New York Times reported this morning that, as it turns out, it is the critics who … Continue reading California blows climate cost-benefit analysis