Hypocrite of the Day: CARB Chief Mary Nichols

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has sued the Trump administration over the proposed freezing of the Obama administration’s fuel economy standards. JunkScience.com suggests the Trump administration respond to CARB chief Mary Nichols the way she responded to Congress in 1997.

NYTimes: JunkScience.com ‘promotes false information on climate’ — but we quote him anyway!

The New York Times reports today that California air chief Mary Nichols will not be Joe Biden’s EPA chief because she is apparently an environmental racist. Too bad for Nichols, but keep reading.

California to imitate Harvard Howler: Air regulator CARB to fraudulently link PM2.5 to COVID-19

One fraud begets another. Air quality harms no one’s health and certainly has no effect on COVID-19. But America’s communists are going all out to defeat President Trump, including the bogus effort to connect PM2.5 and deaths from COVID-19.

Pedal to the Metal: Why California can’t ban gasoline-powered cars

Unhappy with the imminent rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards and the so-called “California waver” by the Trump administration, California environment chief Mary Nichols is threatening to ban gasoline-powered cars. Is this possible?

California Screaming: Wind, solar lobbies to squeeze taxpayers amid budget crisis

Amid the worst budget crisis in its history, the state of California is set to make things worse at the behest of the wind and solar industries. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is set to increase the state’s so-called renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 33% by 2020, up from 20% — meaning that one-third … Continue reading California Screaming: Wind, solar lobbies to squeeze taxpayers amid budget crisis