WashPost: Freedom of Information Act not for skeptics' use

In a bizarre Memorial Day editorial, the Washington Post criticized climate skeptics for using the Freedom of Information Act to pry documents concerning Climategater Michael Mann from the University of Virginia.

The Post labeled the skeptics’ FOIA efforts as “harrassing” and “nuisance tactics.”

The Post, however, has been entirely silent on Greenpeace’s efforts to FOIA documents from the University of Virginia concerning Pat Michaels, University of Delaware concerning David Legates and from Harvard University concerning Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas — efforts that are truly “harrassing” and “nuisance” in nature as Greenpeace acted entirely in retaliation to the FOIA request concerning Mann.

The editorial is especially gross coming on the day when America commemorates those who died to preserve everyone’s freedoms — not just those of the politically correct.

New slur against skeptics: 'Birther-equivalent'

At first, we were mere “skeptics.” Then we became “flat-Earthers.” “Denier”, with its Holocaust-denial implications soon followed. But none of these perjoratives worked for the climate alarmists.

Now the alarmists have re-christened skeptics as “birther-equivalents.”

Well they can call us whatever names they like, but to paraphrase Galileo:

Etiam CO2 facticius non tepidus exitialis
(Still manmade CO2 doesn’t cause catastrophic warming).

Chris Christie: New Jersey's Al Gore

Hurray, Chris Christie pulled New Jersey out of the Northeast’s cap-and-trade program… but BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!, he’s a believer in consensus science and, apparently, catastrophic manmade global warming.

While announcing that New Jersey was quitting the Regional GreenHouse Gas Initiative, Christie said,

I’m certainly not a scientist, which is the first problem. So I can’t claim to fully understand all of this, certainly not after just a few months of study. But when you have over 90 percent of the world’s scientists who have studied this stating that climate change is occurring and that humans play a contributing role, it’s time to defer to the experts.

Yes, what logic… brilliant….I don’t know anything… so rather than keeping my big fat mouth shut until I learn something, I’ll side with the likes of Al Gore, Osama bin Laden, Charles Manson, the Discovery Channel gunman, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Henry Waxman, Bobby Rush and every other whacked out, intellectually and morally bankrupt believer in global warming.

Chris Christie for President? No thanks. I’ll write in Kris Kringle first.

Issa the Incompetent? EPA, Interior officials escape unscathed from House oversight hearing

Contrary to the political left’s post-election ravings, Darrell Issa is proving to be no Joe McCarthy… and that’s a bad thing for efforts to get a grip on the rogue Obama EPA. Continue reading Issa the Incompetent? EPA, Interior officials escape unscathed from House oversight hearing

EPA chief called on to retract inflammatory falsehood made on Daily Show

JunkScience.com is calling on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson to publicly retract her false and inflammatory statement regarding mercury made on national TV last week. —>