Lautenberg: Ambient air like secondhand smoke

Not only is Sen. Frank Lautenberg exploiting another asthmatic relative in opposing the TRAIN Act to rein in the EPA, but he likens ambient air to secondhand smoke. Continue reading Lautenberg: Ambient air like secondhand smoke

Ideological child abuse: Obama to cite 'Green Ribbon Schools'

A Department of Education spokesman said the program would recognize schools for “engaging students on environmental issues and producing environmentally literate students; increasing energy efficiency and using renewable energy technologies; and creating healthy learning environments by addressing environmental issues in the schools.” The full story is at

Democrats need to choose: EPA or jobs

By Steve Milloy
September 21, 2011, Washington Times

Thursday is a D-Day of sorts for House Democrats. That day they will get to choose between jobs or job-killing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. Continue reading Democrats need to choose: EPA or jobs

Finally: Romney blasts EPA

Mitt Romney reportedly “lambasted federal agencies – specifically calling out the EPA – as hamstringing businesses with regulations that he says are getting in the way of job creation,” according to the Memphis Daily News blog. Though Romney has criticized the EPA in the past, those remarks were rather tepid. Perhaps his comments in Memphis mark the start of a more passionate attack on Obama’s Employment Prevention Agency.

How EPA lied to Congress about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

“It has become fashionable for opponents to disagree on even simple facts, but there shouldn’t be room for debate on the deadline for a new air pollution rule,” writes Mitchell Schnurman of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Continue reading How EPA lied to Congress about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model

Nobel prize winner Hermann Muller knowingly lied when he claimed in 1946 that there is no safe level of radiation exposure, a new study asserts. Continue reading Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model