Bachmann: Radical greens blocking energy development

“Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann claimed Saturday that the United States has more fuel resources than any other country, but blamed what she termed “radical environmentalists” for bottling up American energy policy, reports the Washington Post.

EMF scare returns: Maternal appliance use and asthma in offspring?

We were right that air pollution wasn’t causing asthma in kids; it’s actually hair dryers, vacuums and microwaves — or at least that’s what’s being claimed in a new study. Continue reading EMF scare returns: Maternal appliance use and asthma in offspring?

Is routine mammography oversold?

A new study in the British Medical Journal reports that breast cancer screening has not played a direct part in the reductions of breast cancer mortality in recent years.

I can hear the breast cancer industry screaming already. No doubt the industry will make its followers wear extra pink and walk extra miles this fall to pay for damage control.