Oops… Volvo lobbyist (literally) wrote the letter for congressman to press EPA against repeal of glider rule

West Virginia Congressman Evan Jenkins (R-Volvo) should run away from the ongoing swamp effort to kill the glider truck industry.

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Claim: Smoking one cigarette per day as risky as smoking 10 cigarettes per day

More absurdity from the anti-tobacco junk science mob.

Sir Austin Bradford Hill (1897-1991). Famed epidemiologist who mercifully died before he could witness the gross abuse of his beloved field.

Continue reading Claim: Smoking one cigarette per day as risky as smoking 10 cigarettes per day

CARB robs $2.5 million from port terminal operator SSA Containers; Money given to promote air quality-childhood asthma propaganda

If CARB is so worried about the impact of diesel exhaust on children, why aren’t USC and UCLA researchers in jail?

Continue reading CARB robs $2.5 million from port terminal operator SSA Containers; Money given to promote air quality-childhood asthma propaganda

‘With no proven environmental benefit whatsoever…’

What Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray had to say with respect to Obama’s war-on-coal in comments on the Trump EPA’s proposed repeal of the Obama’s EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Below is how Murray summarized the cost to industry. It does not begin to reckon the cost of lost jobs to miners, their families and communities.

Read Murray’s full comment here.

File your comments on the proposed repeal of the CPP here. Deadline is January 16, 2018.

Bastardi: No Michael Mann — Climate change did not cause Hurricane Harvey

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi takes down fake Nobelist Michael Mann’s lame effort in the Guardian to link climate with Hurricane Harvey.

Continue reading Bastardi: No Michael Mann — Climate change did not cause Hurricane Harvey

Political Junk Science: Stress from Trump election to kill minorities, reports New England Journal of Medicine

I got the the editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association fired in January 1999 for this kind of political junk science. I want another hide for my office.

Continue reading Political Junk Science: Stress from Trump election to kill minorities, reports New England Journal of Medicine