Shot Down: EPA lead ammunition ban blocked by federal court

“There is quite simply no sound science that shows the use of traditional ammunition has harmed wildlife populations or that it presents a health risk to humans who consume game taken with such ammunition.” Continue reading Shot Down: EPA lead ammunition ban blocked by federal court

Post-NewTown anti-gun junk science starts: ‘Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home’

This kind of junk is why there is opposition to the CDC conducting gun research. Continue reading Post-NewTown anti-gun junk science starts: ‘Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home’

GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores

“GE Capital is still doing business with merchants with more diverse lines of business, including Wal-Mart Stores, the nation’s largest seller of guns and ammunition, and Dick’s Sporting Goods, he added.” Continue reading GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores

Pediatrician group slams Senate for gun vote; Infers background checks would have prevented Newtown, other tragic shootings

The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that gun control is a public health issue — no wonder it can’t figure out that mandatory background checks would not have stopped the Newtown tragedy. Continue reading Pediatrician group slams Senate for gun vote; Infers background checks would have prevented Newtown, other tragic shootings

Enviro writer in meltdown after Senate gun vote; Tweets ‘F*ck Max Baucus’, Calls Mark Pryor a ‘colossal a**hole’’s Dave “Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics” Roberts has rude comments about Democrat Senators voting against the gun control bill today. Continue reading Enviro writer in meltdown after Senate gun vote; Tweets ‘F*ck Max Baucus’, Calls Mark Pryor a ‘colossal a**hole’

As predicted: MSM links Second Amendment supporters with other UN gun treaty opponents — North Korea, Iran and Syria

That didn’t take long. Continue reading As predicted: MSM links Second Amendment supporters with other UN gun treaty opponents — North Korea, Iran and Syria

Obama vote for UN gun treaty puts Second Amendment supporters on same side of treaty as opponents North Korea, Iran & Syria

Gun controllers sure to have fun with this. Continue reading Obama vote for UN gun treaty puts Second Amendment supporters on same side of treaty as opponents North Korea, Iran & Syria

Must-Watch Video from CPAC: NRA’s LaPierre on Political/MSM Elitists — ‘Let then be damned’

“I didn’t come here to be popular. I came here to stand for what I believe is true… Let [the political/media elitists] be damned.” Continue reading Must-Watch Video from CPAC: NRA’s LaPierre on Political/MSM Elitists — ‘Let then be damned’