Hair spray targeted by Utah air pollution regulators: ‘There will be a lot of angry women’

“This just wrecks the hair spray and it doesn’t help the inversion.” Continue reading Hair spray targeted by Utah air pollution regulators: ‘There will be a lot of angry women’

Black Enviro: Climate movement racist — Cap-and-trade ‘meant white people get all the greater goods and we get the rest’

“Until they want to have real discussions around racism, they won’t have our support. That’s what happened last time with the climate bill. It did not move, because they did not have diversity in their voices.” Continue reading Black Enviro: Climate movement racist — Cap-and-trade ‘meant white people get all the greater goods and we get the rest’

Eco-Imperialism Joins Vulture Environmentalism

“Vulture environmentalists hijack environmental laws to further the venal interests of eco-activists, bureaucrats and wealthy elites, who covet private property but don’t want to pay fair prices.” Continue reading Eco-Imperialism Joins Vulture Environmentalism

Study: Cold cities less sustainable than warm cities — Not green: Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Rochester, Buffalo and Chicago

“In simple terms, it takes less energy to cool a room down by one degree than it does to heat it up by one degree.” Continue reading Study: Cold cities less sustainable than warm cities — Not green: Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Rochester, Buffalo and Chicago

ClimateProgress: Northeasterners should switch from oil, gas to switchgrass pellets for heating

Who wouldn’t want to shovel switchgrass pellets all winter — and for marginal savings on the fossil fuel bill? Continue reading ClimateProgress: Northeasterners should switch from oil, gas to switchgrass pellets for heating

Greenpeace offers photos of poverty + central planning…. you know, the future under ‘progressivism’

For those that missed the 20th century, the consequences of central planning and poverty are on display today in China. Continue reading Greenpeace offers photos of poverty + central planning…. you know, the future under ‘progressivism’

WaPo: Green groups a little too white — histories full of ‘racist and exclusionary practices’

We reported on this (“NRDC not for whites only — but almost“) about a year ago. Continue reading WaPo: Green groups a little too white — histories full of ‘racist and exclusionary practices’

Lom-Gore-Borg spoils terrific anti-Earth Hour video message with his own peculiar brand of climate alarmism

Our planet does not need to be “saved” from climate change, nor with green energy. Other than that, a rockin’ video. Continue reading Lom-Gore-Borg spoils terrific anti-Earth Hour video message with his own peculiar brand of climate alarmism